Do you own a property that you’d like to sell or rent out? Whether it’s a house or an apartment, the first thing you need to know is how much you could get from selling or renting it.
Estate agents estimate the value of your property based on all criteria that could influence the value either upwards or downwards. The agent’s valuation report combines their own local knowledge with the theoretical data used by online calculators to establish the market value and intrinsic value of the property.
This is the theoretical value based on property size, number of façades, bedrooms and bathrooms, plot size and a price comparison based on the local property market.
So, in summary, you should choose the most suitable valuation method for your situation. If you just want a rough idea of the likely value of your property, online tools should be fine. However, if you’re looking to sell or rent in the near future and you need to know the true market value of your property, the only person who can really help is an estate agent. They can also offer a fast turnaround.